Sliphaber Weld offers to step into a company or a project as team member. A special employee, who are able to solve many different types of tasks on different orginazational levels - independant or in co-operation with others.

Here you can find a description of some of the competencies Sliphaber Weld offers, but also a bit about the mind-set behind working methods and co-operation. 




The road to success is very often hidden in knowledge. Knowledge related to the fabrication and processes as well as rules and regulations.

Knowledge about materials and the right choice of raw material can be crucial, because the parts produced must be suitable and fit to be able to deal with the in-service conditions after manufacturing through lifetime.

Standards, specifications and customer requirements can bring an organization on its knee. With detailed knowledge about rules and regulations as well as the theory behind them, it is possible to meet both customer as well as supplier with a professionel and pragmatic mind-set.

Who have not tried to stand with the back against the wall in a project, because too many rules was overlooked or not understood ?

Sliphaber Weld offers specialiced knowledge about:

  • Welding and manufacturing

  • Materials as e.g. Steel, Stainless steel, Ni + alloys, Cu + alloys, Titanium and Aluminum

  • The requirements, which welded products are facing



Quality awareness

The road to success is often hidden in the way processes are conducted in a company.

High degree of quality awareness can contribute to a company’s ability to deliver products of uniform quality as well as a quality level, which can meet the customers expectations.

Quality assurance and continously improvements are going hand in hand.

Quality awareness goes hand in hand with education and training.

For many processes - and particularly welding - is the quality of the product built into the part through process control and control during each manufacturing step.

Quality assurance of welding requires very often at least Welding drawings, Weldmaps and Welding plans, ITP, WPS, WPQR, Processcontrol, Certification, Welding Coordination, Traceability, NDT.

Sliphaber Weld offers:

  • Experience with quality management and assurance of welding work.

  • A pragmatic and practical way yo work with quality management.



Process optimization

The road to success is very often hidden in the small process details. Through knowledge about these it can be possible to make an efficient process optimization.

Many processes look at the first glimpse very simple, but when you stand with the tool in your hand reality shows up.

A process audit is a very efficient tool to learn about process details and to observe the process stability. The audit makes it possible to implement efficient tools, fixtures and working methods together with the employees. Efficient tools, fixtures and working methods, which can ensure an equal product produced with a minimum cost.

Equipment and working methods can also be optimized through a design, which supports the working method.

Efficient and trustworthy analysis of workshops and working situations, and the use of the Lean tool box and the DMAIC improvement method, can make improvements also without starting the whole “SixSigma-car” up.

Sliphaber Weld offers:

  • Efficient process audits with evaluation of both working methods and design.

  • To be a partner in process evaluation and optimization

  • A comprehensive knowledge about manufacturing processes.

  • E.g.: Knowledge about deformations, flamestraightening, heat treatment, hardness problems, cracking, corrosion, thermal cut etc. etc.



Education and training

The road to success is often hidden in the employees knowledge.

When an engineer shall design a product, which shall be made in a workshop, the best result is achieved when the engineer has some process knowledge.

Symbolic in drawings must be understood the same way by both engineer as well as blacksmith.

Control methods can be limited by process but also content some possibilities.

The workshop must understand the background for the choices made by the design department, as well as the designer must understand the challenges the workshop is meeting when producing the existing design.

Both workshop and designer must understand the requirements given in product standards, rules, regulations and purchase specifications.

Sliphaber Weld offers:

  • Education and training adapted to the company and product type.

  • Design review and individual discussions about design improvements and challenges

  • Process audits with evaluation of manufaturing and continous improvement