Cases & References

Wind Power

As process engineer at Siemens Wind Power, I have worked with suppliers from all over the world. I worked in a cross-functional position, supporting the whole organization.

During my job in Supplier Quality I conducted QMS audits, process audits, product and supplier qualification and last but not least training and education of my colleagues.

The Design department used my knowledge in design review and product optimization. If the suppliers had problems to make, what was designed, very often they came to my desk for help to take the discussions and to facilitate changes.

I work with interpretation and implementation of the high number of welding standards and requirements. It is very important, that the content of the purchase specifications is feasible and clear and at the same time ensure the quality of the product.

I was involved in warranty cases. My involvement was related both to the repair, but also to the investigation of the rootcase and extent of the case.

In my position as freelance engineer, I continued to work with qualification of suppliers to the wind industry.


As freelance engineer I have worked in an Offshore project bulding a VOC on a ship.

I have also been working in an Offshore Wind project, building jackets for a wind farm in Asia.

Both projects should meet very high quality requirements and should meet comprehensive requirements for the traceability and documentation.

I was working as the customers welding engineer and survey.
Jackets for Offshore Wind is not easy constructions to make. It requires a lot of knowledge and experienced welders and workshops.

The high offshore requirements are difficult to meet for all new suppliers. The requirments can leave the suppliers in chock. It was needed with supplier development and education, which was planned and conducted on site. The training was made with base in observations made on site and in the working areas. This made the supplier able to work directly with improvements, based on the training.

I was of course also involved in a pre-fabrication documentation review. This is very important and needed to make sure the supplier understand the requirements before starting the work in the workshops.

Product qualification

As freelance engineer I have conducted supplier and product qualifications - FAI, PPAP, APQP

One of the products I have worked with is transformer tanks. I have been in Germany and Turkey, where I have worked with suppliers, making transformer tanks.

The tanks must be made within rather narrow tollerances, when you take into consideration that this is a welded construction.

Cleanliness and surface treatment is essential.
The transformers are assembled under absolutely clean and controlled conditions. Steel grit from blasting or chips from machining can destroy the transformer.

A short circuit of a transformer can cause an explosion and leaks can cause leaking oil, both problems are very problematic for both wind and solar projects.

The tanks must be delivered according to the “just-in-time” principle. This means a stable and good production set-up is very important.

It was my task to ensure both the set-up as well as the quality. Tasks like this get the best result through cooperation with the supplier. A customers success is ensured when the supplier can produce with a good and stable manufacturing set-up and meet the required quality level each time


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